The poles sticking out from the buildings on the right are where people hang their clothes to dry.

Pet Crickets. They were palm size and REALLY loud.

This old fisherman had a small crowd around him, and I saw him catch a fish in the first 15 seconds that I was watching. I think he is a well-known fisherman in the area because he had quite and audience who was studying his every move.

This is my new buddy Ian. He and I were bombarded by Chinese students who all asked us to write our names in English in their workbooks. I wrote my name about 50 times. They were all really wonderful, and spoke English very well.

This blue character is the national logo for the 2010 World Expo that will be hosted in Shanghai. The city is gearing up for this event, including massive construction on 3 new subway lines. This character appears all over the city to get people pumped up.

We saw all sorts of interesting food, including these baby chickens on a stick.

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